Beta Update

NOTE: You will need to re-download the game from your library to get the update. Changes: Save Game! The game saves your progress now, you can close and then pick up where you left off. The game saves automatically. Players reach out to each other when they get … Continue reading

Updates and Beta Build

I guess Beta is really a misnomer. It is more like early access than a beta, but that is what we called the kickstarter tier. Beta Changes Level select is in the game, some placeholder art and animations still in place level nodes blocking walls bonus walls story nodes … Continue reading

Character Names and Kickstarter

We decided we needed a subtitle for Together to make it easier to search for and find on Google. At the same time we were looking for character names. Rami Ismail of vlambeer was kind enough to offer some suggestions for character names and we went with those. The new … Continue reading

Art Update 5/23/14

Been a while since I have posted. Here is some new stuff. We need to make the fairy animation more juicy but you can see them knocking down rocks to the exit here. Initially there is the intro animation then stepping on buttons raises and lowers the red wall. We … Continue reading

Art Update 4/6/2014

We are working on getting the new character designs in game.  Here is what we hope it will look like. We also updated the coloring on the logo.

Together:Art Update 3/28/2014

Lots of art updates this week. We have a logo   We are changing the race of the characters to bring more diversity to games.  I would like to add multiple race select options, but that will depend on how our kickstarter goes in May. We have reworked the colors … Continue reading

Updated Walls

I received some great feedback from the last post. The leaves were too busy so I made the packing algorithm always place a rock or ruin in the corners. And we place leaves sparsely throughout. The grass texture is also updated in this image. I’m currently in the process of play … Continue reading

Together – Tree Progress

Rather than tacking on a second player to a single player campaign, Together is built from the ground up to be co-operative. One player can’t do everything while the other hangs back. You have to work together and communicate. Progression of the trees and colors. Trees started out looking like … Continue reading

Art Update 2/19/14

We updated the leaf piles on the ground and the colors of the trees.  The walls are using a box packing algorithm to fill them will leaves and then different artwork assets on top of that.